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[quote]what to do? All dump FF
Dmitry 发表于 2024-12-19 18:36

Dear Dmitry,
                   Try latest known software HTTPS://www.hklrf.com/Downloadfile_59.html ,
with some corrected ICs. Why? You got one error with one address lines, you should got
multiple errors....
Anyway, if not help, please post your adapter, clean it ( just in case), if adapter socket is removal
capable, clean everything. No Good? Wait as T76 is almost out and a new software will appear.The IC used maybe have bad sector...

Hope it helps


Ответить  Альбано.Матос

Albano I tested, unfortunately came across 2 faulty  ...
Dmitry 发表于 2025-1-2 05:39

   Hello,            Thank you for share your findings and experience. Please post the pic of your adapter,
as 3 already exist for T56. Maybe Admin correct it , hopefully.  :)


Ответить  Альбано.Матос
I ordered a regular adapter for the t56 model using th ...
Dmitry 发表于 2025-1-13 23:34

Hello, or maybe the software needs adjustment. With all the data now here, software and socket
seems one of the originals from Xgecu, hopefully they fix it, or give a tip :)


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