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SM59264 IC pin detect error

Hello everyone. I would like to ask what the problem is that I get an IC pin error on the SM59264 chip. I have tried several ICs and they all give the same error. the adapter is:https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004690412444.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.16.e7947ca0YzQ8Ol&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21RON%21RON%2072.70%21RON%2069.08%21%2%2 40211b88f116782058653401751e3fa2%2112000030113741023%21sh

If I turn off the pin checker, the reading goes all the way but gives false data. and it doesn't even allow the readout data to be transferred to another

2023-03-07 (1).png
2023-3-8 00:16

回复 1# joesilver

Is the adapter correct? This is a special adapter.

If you use a general PLCC44 adapter, select DIP40 IC


the adapter is exactly what is included in the link, and was purchased from the official xgecu AliExpress shop. If it is not suitable for this IC, the adapter could send a link to the appropriate one.


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