Hi, could you please tell me where I can download the T48 software and is it also compatible with Wi ...
papi 发表于 2022-7-20 06:15 
As a User: The software For TL866II, T48 and T56 , as i know is the same from version 12.01 when T48 support added and can be downloaded hereDownload Newest XGecu T56/T48/TL866II software(下载最新软件) - 编程器使用与软件下载 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz!
Then if you have the latest version ( 12.05 ) and it works in XP for TL866II, is almost sure that it will work for T48
(hopefully). In the same page you have the support list for all supported programmers. Also, as i know, the T56 will support all the
devices that T48, and T48 will support all devices from TL866II, but, when a 'gap' is found, reporting here in the correct section,
Admin is doing a very nice job recovering bugs, adding new devices, and answer you, me and all other users, time permits.Also remember, that some adapters from TL866II, may not be used in T48 or T56. always check the appropriate adapter needed in
the software --> Device.info tab near the bottom of programmer software window. You may also take a look here adapters for T48 - Shop Cheap adapters for T48 from China adapters for T48 Suppliers at XGECU Official Store on Aliexpress.com
many other places exist, and see all already available adapters for T48. Universal adapters can be used, but care should be taken, as TL866II and T48 have socket with 40 pins. Always check first in the software, before use the adapter needed, to
have parts in time and manage your own expectations from the products. The software XGpro also permit to start it in demo mode (without any programmer connected), a window shows up, you can choose among TL866II, T48 or even T56, that is you can look for supported devices, and what adapter needed. If you have a supported programmer connected, it will
change to that programmer working mode automatically and you don't see the demo choice screen.You can look here for some differences among programmers XGecu T48(TL866-3G) programmer coming soon (TL866 3rd generation) - 编程器使用与软件下载 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz! and do a better choice if needed.At last, support for TL866II, as Admin already told, will remain for approx. more 3 years' time in XGpro app. New needs
from market will force to upgrade the hardware, that's why T48 appear, and some others will do in the future, hopefully.
Hope it helps you |