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T48 Pro -> GAL22V10 not supported ?

Hi, GAL22V10 seems unwritable with my T48 Pro
(GAL16V8D works without any problem)

I also have a Xeltek Superpro 610P,
so I can easily compare...the same file AND the same chip had been used.
only difference ; it works on the Xeltek without any headache.

2 problems on Xprog:

1. If the file is larger than 4KB, I get a popup saying "Wrong file format..."
BUT it's only related to the header of the JED file!
If I cut the header data, the file is loaded without problem.
header trimmed and programmed/tested successfully on a GAL16V8
Looks like the xprog software is dumb and doesn't trim the header data itself, wow...

2. Unable to verify after prog.
Each time the verification fail.
The JED file is made by myself, compiled with WinCUPL (which is quite strict) and works perfectly on hardware, after being programmed without any errors on my Xeltek.
The problem is there, on the T48 (software or hardware problem?).

I tested few other GAL22V10 JED files and still the same problem.
Fail, fail, fail... And obviously it doesn't work on hardware

Really hope an update will appear soon to fix this problem.

Edit. Added JED file if you want to test ;)

Just in case, even in a little bit redundant, this file is working perfectly, but not on Xprog.

XKGSMSM1_IC1-v10.jed.zip (1.47 KB)

hello, thanks for the tip, I bought gal, I'll try it.  Tell me, does Atmega read the correct information from the chips or is it also wrong?  I need a chip replacement from Atmega to Gal


Obviously only Lattice GAL22V10 must be used
They are the only one supported by this programmer.
If you try AMD, Cypress, Atmel or any other Manufacturers it will fail as prog algo are different
(and not publicly available...so hard to add them)

I'm sure my component is good (not rebranded or fake)
as it's working on my other programmer and pass hardware test.

Hope an Admin will interact and answer to us.


Ответить 1# ичигобанкай

hello, this problem is with all xgecu programmers, they do not work normally with these chips, I bought 3 pieces from different manufacturers by mistake


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