Bad blocks after programmed firmware F59L1G81MA and F59L1G81LB
The chip F59L1G81MA and F59L1G81LB is programmed and verifyed without errors.
But when doing check "NAND Bad Block Check" - there are always present bad blocks.
After cleaning "Erase", checking "Blank check" and "NAND Bad Block Check" - there are no bad blocks.
I tried different firmware and several chips F59L1G81MA/F59L1G81LB (there are no errors on the chips).
Adapter NAND08 modified.
Is there a bug in the programmer software for this chip?
Programmer: XGecu TL866II Plus
The problem was solved by choice:
Spare Area in the File: none
1 Device = (2048+64)*64 = 135168 |