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Intel 27011 Eproms

I have purchased a T56 to specifically program Intel 27011 paged eproms.I cannot get it to work.
It can read ID number 89 85 but it will not program the chip.
Anyone had similar problems?

Best Regards


You can find the download on the website www.hklrf.comSearch for T56 and you can find download option there.
They are an official XGecu agent and do NOT sell cheap Chinese copies. They sell original genuine product only.


Отговор 21# lungchard
As the screenshot shows V12.68 I assume this is an insider engineering version of the software with disabled restrictions. Where can it be downloaded from, there is no such version officially?


The software versions I have are shown in the attached screen shot. T56 Version Numbers.jpg


You do not need to program 27011. Those chips are very old and unreliable, and also hellishly non-st ...
fordav1 发表于 2024-8-3 15:34

    Hello fordav1,                         Can you, please, post any IC equivalent table or list you may have, or found by your know how,
to help us? Any link to the attached pic adapter suppliers will be nice, also!

Best Regards


You do not need to program 27011. Those chips are very old and unreliable, and also hellishly non-standard. If you replace it you are only replacing a bad chip with another unreliable chip.
The correct way is to make a small PCB adapter and use a modern EPROM.
For example like the pic I attached which is an adapter I made. These are sent off and produced at places like PCBWay or JLCPCB and you can get 5 for $2. Program a normal EPROM, plug it in and it will last at least 30 years.

sci29.jpg (138.33 KB)



Hello All,
I have received my T56 back from XGecu and I can now programme 27011 and 27C011 eproms.
lungchard 发表于 2024-8-3 11:49

    Hello Richard,                         I guess the problem was only the software needs update, you mention ver 12.68, firmware still the
same as 12.67. As version 12.68 isn't yet available for download, it will soon for sure. Lets wait for it.
I think you made the very best, sending the samples with the programmer.
For worst cases, as many versions/batches available, having samples for test is the best way for quality work, Admin request
this way sometimes in the past.

Thank you for your help and feedback, for sure it will help.

Best Rgds


Hello All,
I have received my T56 back from XGecu and I can now programme 27011 and 27C011 eproms.
Not sure what they did to the unit but it now works.
The version of app software is 12.68 and the firmware version is 00.1.72.
Not sure if these are updated versions as I do not recall the version numbers from before I sent it back for repair.
Anyway, the good news is it now works.
XGecu assistance with this problem has restored my faith in their after sales service.

Best wishes



Hello Sir,

Typo in first reply.
VPP is not 17.5V on the data sheet, it is 12.75V.
6.25V for VDD write is selectable but I used 6.5V. Device maximum is 7V on data sheet.
Also my screen shot was not attached. I will try to attach it again.

Verify Fail.jpg

Hope this update includes picture, it is important information.



Hello Sir,
I have returned the unit to XGecu agent in china. They will send it to the factory for testing.
I have sent them a 27011 and a 27C011 Eprom to test the unit.
I have also sent them the .bin file I am trying to write to the Eprom.

I see from your post you are using different voltages than what I used.
Do not use the defaults, they do not work.
VPP must be 13v and VDD must be 6.5v.
See the device data sheet at the end of page 4-192.
This shows the required voltages for quick pulse programming which I believe is what the T56 is using.
17.75V VPP is not an option on Xgpro so use 13V. The device maximum is 14V so OK to use 13V.
6.25V VCC is also not an option on Xgpro so use 6.5V.
These settings do program the device but with 18 repeatable errors. See my screen shot.
Once I get feedback from XGecu I will post the news here.

Bye for now,



Intel D27011 EPROM Datasheet.pdf (450.9 KB)


Hello Sir,
Unfortunately my problem has not been resolved with the latest version.
I am waiting on ...
lungchard 发表于 2024-6-15 16:50

    Dear Richard,                         As you say that new version did not work, can you, please tell us,
as you have a patch to get it to work, as they have included new a D27C011, that use same algoritm
as D27011, which values are shown in the 'others' section at bottom of app window?
for me it shows... the voltages show the same as defaluts on both ICs, normal and 'C' versions.
Screenshot 2024-06-16 101001.png

Yesterday cleaned the label from more then 50 ICs, but still no luck with a 27011 to test :'(
Best Regards


Hello Sir,
Unfortunately my problem has not been resolved with the latest version.
I am waiting on delivery of new eprom to carry out more tests.
I will post the results here once I have done that.


Hello Sir,
I have tried erasing for 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes with the same result every time.
Add ...
lungchard 发表于 2024-6-9 12:04

    Hello Richard,                        Today new version is out 12.67. Hoppefully it solves problems for all of us.

Best Rgds


Hello Sir,
I have tried erasing for 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes with the same result every time.
Address 00 has a value in it that the programmer will not over-write hence it fails.
It fails to write correctly a total of 18 addresses. All other addresses write correct data.
I have ordered a replacement eprom for further tests.


Reply to  Albano.Matos

Hello Sir,
Got a patch via the chinese supplier i purchased the t56 from ...
lungchard 发表于 2024-6-8 15:57

   Hello,            Nice to hear from you. Do not forget that some old ICs doesn't erase completely with the usual UV time,
then after erase cicle, if they pass test, because they already had the status before erase, you cannot complete
programming (errors). Clean the window as well as you can. Keep posting us with the progress, hoppefully will return to
a montly app update, now at 4 months time.If You can, please describe how you erase it, time , tools used, etc, may help others to find a path to their sucess.

Best Rgds


Reply to #8 Albano.Matos

Hello Sir,
Got a patch via the chinese supplier i purchased the t56 from, and this is looking better.
I can program the eprom but get 18 addresses that have errors.
I am not sure if my eprom is 100% good so i will order a new one and try again.
The issue with the programming voltages appears to be sorted.
VPP should be set to 13v as the data sheet says the minimum is 12.75v.
I will post again once i have tested a replacement eprom.
This may take time as ebay is not the fasted for delivery.


Hello Sir,I cannot program the Eprom completely as there are errors in some pages.
Page 0 is ok but ...
lungchard 发表于 2024-5-15 17:31

Hello Richard,                    Unfortunatly some app software versions ago, many ICs lost writing capabilities,
Do not know if 27011 was affected. You can see it by reports , at least from T48 and T56 Users.
As I've noticed, the problem appear not to be the firmware updates, as users reported going back
some versions back with the software, solve the writing issues on already present ICs in the database.
Unfortunatly, with time passing, many months so far, even the old software versions did not work at
all due to a 'time bomb' included with the software, then date of computer must have rolled back to
get it to work with old versions, even with new software, and disconnected from network.
I also cannot ensure you anything, because i do not have a sample from 27011 myself to test, yet.
In one of the latest presences of Admin here, he said, that they are waiting for ICs to test....
Maybe they are preparing a complete new software ?
I can see they still somehow active, from hardware page at Ali Express Oficial page  XGECU Official Store - Amazing products with exclusive discounts on AliExpress   
as new and cheap adapters appear recently, but thats all.
I've tested many old ICs so far with 12.66, all worked writing except 27Cxxx without glass window
already programed ( OTPs units) , and this behaviour is expected and correct.

I can only hope your sucess with older version software, a new version of software with this error
corrected ( in the case it never worked), and of course, good ICs with You :-)


Hello Sir,I cannot program the Eprom completely as there are errors in some pages.
Page 0 is ok but after that there are many errors.
I think there are 2 main issues with this device.
Vpp is not +12.5v and the page switching seems to be unreliable.
I can only hope that XGecu can come up with a fix.
I have had no response from them and neither has the Chinese supplier I purchased the unit from.
Shame the tech support is not good.
The unit itself looks to be good but after sales support lets it down.



Hello Sir,I have done some testing today and got a good idea where the problem is coming from.
I co ...
lungchard 发表于 2024-5-8 20:57

    Hello Richard,                        As you found a way to program your needed ICs, like me , wait for the new version
of software. Unfortunatly, no new version was out in the latest 3 mounths or so, and also hopping that
this version was not a time bomb date builtin.
To ADMIN, please, release updated software. Thank You :)


Hello Sir,I have done some testing today and got a good idea where the problem is coming from.
I connected external supplies to VCC and VPP from my bench power supply.
After power up in the correct sequence (VCC then VPP) I was able to program the device.
I have passed all info to Xgecu technical support and the agent who sold it to me is also helping my case.
I expect it is a simple firmware issue but can only guess at that.
Hope they can fix it.




Hello Sir,
My eproms pass blank check ok.
I checked a few voltages on the eprom during programming ...
lungchard 发表于 2024-5-8 12:37

    Hello Richard,                         I do not see Admin here for a long time, updates also fail to show,
at least monthly, then i remember that this IC, maybe included in a flaw that appear some
time ago, and maybe not yet corrected. Can you test with older version software?Do not have the IC available myself, then cannot test to see the tip is working or not, sorry.  
You may need to get OS date back to last year or so  12.55 or earlier and be offline, no network?

Best Regards


Hello Sir,
My eproms pass blank check ok.
I checked a few voltages on the eprom during programming and have found Vpp to be about 5volts.
It should be 12.5volts!!
I am investigating further.
It is possible my eproms are faulty but i have no way of verify that they are good.
27011 are very rare and not easy to find.

Thank you to take the time to reply to my post.



I have purchased a T56 to specifically program Intel 27011 paged eproms.I cannot get it to work.
It ...
lungchard 发表于 2024-5-7 18:08
Hello Richard,
                    If those ICs have a transparent window on top, maybe need to be UV erased first.
Check in the top 'Device' tab, and do a blank check first, if it have the window on top of ic, and fail the blank check,
it doesn't  allow you to program/reprogram the device.
If is the case, do an UV erase cicle, to one or more ICs, recheck if pass blank check, and then reprogram it.At bottom left of app window, you can also set  the blank check to run first before programming.
UV light EPROM Eraser Ultraviolet Light Drawer style to erase EPROM micro-controllers erasable IC, Timer can set erasure time (aliexpress.com)
If not the case, post an image with error or what you see.
Hope it helps, or not :-(



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