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Support for 1-bit and 4-bit DRAM chip testing (e.g. 41464)

Hi there,

I was suggested to re-post my message in this section as it seems to be more relevant:

Are there any plans to support older 1-bit and 4-bit RAM chips like 4164/4464/41464 etc.?
I believe it will be pretty easy to implement this in TL-866ii software but super-useful for many users, as these chips still exist in many older devices that need a desperate repair.
Currently we need to go to dedicated hardware solutions just to check a couple of these or similar type of older RAM chips which is a waste of money and space. Implementing this on TL-866II/T56 will for sure boost your sales further!
I hope we can have some good news on this matter in one of your next versions of the XGPro software.

Some relevant datasheets:

https://www.silicon-ark.co.uk/da ... xas-instruments.pdf
https://www.silicon-ark.co.uk/da ... xas-instruments.pdf



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