I have the tl866ii plus and I see it supports the pic10f202 in dip8 format. But I need to be able to ...
oggie 发表于 2022-10-16 05:40 
As a User: Based in the pinout description on page 2 of PDF, as 8 pin dip version, have two more pins, but they are N/C,
then only 6 pin needed, but they are all mixed up, if you need to program one or a few ICs, you can build a
low cost adapter based in a small pcb board 0.95, (using top 3 pin in each side) solder some male plugged wires,
solder IC , insert the wires in programmer in the correct order, as it was a dip8, ie:
SOT23-6 side- pin1 goes to DIP side pin5
SOT23-6 side- pin2 goes to DIP side pin7
SOT23-6 side- pin3 goes to DIP side pin4
SOT23-6 side- pin4 goes to DIP side pin3
SOT23-6 side- pin5 goes to DIP side pin2
SOT23-6 side- pin6 goes to DIP side pin8
The better and safe solution, is Admin add it to the database as is, and you can find,
or Xgecu or other shop, provide the correct adapter to do it, hopefully  |