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Hello, I had same problem, but found a temporary solution, because market isn't the way we see it, but user oriented instead. If you try to find something to start, start at XGECU site in ALIexpress global site,
as i found my local one is a bit different....as a reference:
XGECU Official Store - Amazing prodcuts with exclusive discounts on AliExpress
Found the T56 adapters at
adapters for T56 - Shop Cheap adapters for T56 from China adapters for T56 Suppliers at XGECU Official Store on Aliexpress.com
Anyway, they don't offer a complete set, but small parts of it. I've ordered all adapters from there.
Anyway, some missing, and if you need some, to be sure they work, after installing the 11.30 version software,
searching for a a usual IC, or the IC adapter format, pressing device info tab, you can see it.
Some you can see it better, if pressing 'read' and then 'view adapter' pinout, this work offline, even without programmer.
Download Newest XGecu T56/TL866II software(下载最新软件) - 编程器使用与软件下载 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz!
Most adapters from old machines are 40 or less pins, them most will be compatible, some don't...(looking in the diagram)
As an example, PLCC44 have 44 pins with T56, but is in the page, as a set ...if you already have the most of other PLCC adapters, try to contact them and order it separately.
As T56 still is growing chip support, most are sold in the Xgecu shop or other Shops, but some you can get now only from other dealers, like the QFN32 4x4 0.4 and 5x5 0.5...no big deal for me here.

Also you can add your own ICs not in the database, the the work is there for many already, my actual challenge, or request to add it, and hopefully wait to be supported, as 100s more every month or so

Hope it helps you, somehow :-)    ( not trying confusing more, neither what i've expected, but it works )


Hello again,                 If no answer here, try contact at AliExpress, or other shops,
or haikou xingong electronics co., ltd (xgecu.com).
Also be carefull, and look for adapters updates, not all sellers have the BGA adapters, for instance,
with all size adapter set, and some have a certain adapter with solder only, but it exists in Xgecu site
in Aliexpress, with ZIP (or alike) , example  the SOP56. Look the list below, as a start (or not)  :-)

BGA24           8x6mm 1.0mm
BGA48           6*8mm, 6.15*8.15mm 0.8mm
BGA63           9x11mm; 13x10,5mm 0.8mm
BGA64P          8x10-0.5mm
BGA64           11x13mm; 9x9mm; 10x13mm; 10x15mm
BGA100          14*18mm  0.5mm
BGA153-169      11.5x13mm; 11x10mm; 12x16mm; 12x18mm; 14x18mm  
BGA162          11.5*13mm  0.5mm
BGA221          11.5*13mm  0.5mm
-- QFN32-MLF32-MLP32--DIP32 5x5 0.5mm
-- QFN32-MLF32-MLP32--DIP32 4x4 0.4mm


** MSOP8-DIP8 0.65
** PLCC20-DIP20-ADP-049
** PLCC28-DIP24-ADP-048
** PLCC32-DIP28-ADP006
** PLCC32-DIP32-ADP005
** PLCC32-DIP32-ADP-062-ZIF
** PLCC44-DIP40-ADP017
** QFN8/WSON8/MLF8/MLP8/DFN8-DIP8 6x5mm, 8x6mm flip
** QFP32-DIP32-0.8
** QFP44/pqfp44/fqfp44/TQFP44/fp44 - dip44  0.8mm
** SOP8-DIP8 150mil
** SOP8-DIP8 200mil
** SOP8-16-DIP16 - Solder
** SOP8-16-DIP8 - SOLDER - W/Molex
** SOP8-DIP8 - SOLDER - W/Molex
** SOP14-DIP14 150mil
** SOP16-DIP16 150mil
** SOP16-DIP16 300mil
** SOP16-DIP16 - W/Molex
** SOP20-DIP20 200mil
** SOP20-DIP20 300mil
** SOP28-DIP28 300mil
** SOP44/sop44/sop44  SDP-UNIV-/44PS
** SOP56-ADP-SSO-056-0.8
** SPI-DRIVER (not needed for T56)
** SSOP16/DIP16-0.65
** SSOP20/TSSOP20-DIP20-0.65
** SSOP28-DIP28-0.65
** TSSOP16/8 DIP8
** TSOP32/40/48/56-ADP056-0.5


回复 6# admin

   Dear Admin, Thank you! Anyway, alerted the XGECU store in AliExpress that sell the PLCC set for T56,without being 'in Sync' with software:

** PLCC28-DIP24-ADP-048 (no use for T56) .... PLCC28 to DIP28 missing (pin 28 is VCC)
** PLCC32-DIP28-ADP006  (no use for T56) .... This is included, a useless adapter for T56 :-(

We need a list of adapters, the very same way you publish the supported devices...

Best Regards



actually, I think there is a need for making a short sub-page that explains and shows in  ...
Marcin_Sz. 发表于 2021-9-19 14:31

    I've received an answer for using old PLCCxx adapters on T56.
As ICs are sold in two packages DIP and PLCCxx , to use the 'short number pin'

version of PLCC/DIP adapter, select the chip not PLCCxx, but the same

reference, but DIPxx, and connect it to T56, the very same way as it shows in

the image as DIP.

New adapters will become available soon, for any other situations that do not follow this rule.

NICE! Less confusion. :)


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