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liuyunx 发表于 2025-2-11 21:01

    Hello,  The support for testing SRAM ICs , still in blue print for T76, Haikou Xingong Electronic Co,Ltd and that means that the support is not complete yet, nor full implemented. I've noticed that it also appears for T56, T48, and TL866II and i suspect also applies.... :(


Y cual seria una pagina de un proveedor alternativo?
And what would be an alternative provider' ...
Gabo 发表于 2025-1-8 21:26

    Hola Gabo, Utiliza tu navegador para traducir idiomas que no entiendes. El enlace al proveedor alternativo está en el mensaje, simplemente cópielo en la barra de direcciones. Para mí, puedes escribir en el idioma que quieras.


Where are the updates?
Oleg_Skalskiy 发表于 2025-1-3 22:33

    Hello             No updates from a certain date, now all focus is on T76. But you can download
the updates from other vendor site, only updates for certain bugs....
I think updates will resume shortly, hopefully...



Hi, Please add Xicor X24645
tytka 发表于 2023-10-5 16:17

    Xicor X24645, same as ICMic X24645, ...
Dear Admin, please help!


Ответить  администратору

Здравствуйте.Как прочитат ...
bekso 发表于 2023-8-27 23:58

    As a user... As you already have T56, you need to select the correct IC, as I think it's S29AL016JxxFxx02 @BGA64, then you have the info  for correct adapter in DEVICE.INFO
tab near the bottom of Xgecu software, then you can buy one ADP-BGA64A-1.0 in a store
near you or BGA64-DIP48 adapter IC socket (XG-ADP-BGA64A-1.0) only for T56 programmer - AliExpress
or in a group with other adapters Adapter for T56 - Shop Cheap Adapter for T56 from China Adapter for T56 Suppliers at XGECU Official Store on Aliexpress.com.  The adapter provide a cable, and you should follow the right connection
see image here or use Xgecu software. IF ic have any security features, you may need to read
datasheet S29AL016J, 16-Mbit (2M × 8-Bit/1M × 16-Bit), 3 V, Boot Sector Flash (mouser.com)

Hope it helps, or not :(
Screenshot 2023-08-28 044156.png


Reply  admin

I have a serious problem with "Winbond 25Q128JVSQ 1849"My xGecu TL866II v12.60 g ...
BobbyBadBoy 发表于 2023-8-27 08:59

    As a user,
                  Look for LB1, LB2, and LB3 in the 'STATUS.REG' at bottom. If all 1 the IC maybe OTP (one time programming) locked.I think, guessing, a similar case is here 写入失败是什么原因? - XGecu T56 使用问题解答 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz!
W25Q128JV RevI 08232021 Plus.pdf (2.16 MB)

Hope ADMIN, have enough time to give some explanation of newer security features, and how to handle those correctly.

Hope it helps, or not :(


回复  Albano.Matos

ADP:TSOP32  one by one
TSOP48 to DIP48  Adapter can be used.(16PIns unused)
admin 发表于 2022-11-2 14:25

Dear Admin,   Thank you for very clear explanation of feature :)


版本:  V12.35  2022.10.31
T56编程器 :
Support: 34791+758
T48编程器 :
Support: 32086+748
TL8 ...
admin 发表于 2022-10-31 13:43

   Dear ADMIN. Can you, please, explain better the new feature 'T48, T56 add TSOP32, 9-pin to 1-pin socket support'



11.90   TL866II需要更新固件吗    没有更新选项
王老吉 发表于 2022-6-2 20:24

   As an User.... If an firmware update is available, if you start the Xgpro application , you will see a message,warning you about it. Anyway you have the option after to do it , pressing the tools tab, and then select
'Reflash Firmware'. If it's grayed out the option, no new firmware is available, firmware already at newest level,
or no programmer connected. Please see page 4/5 from  T56_TL866II USER GUIDE.pdf or
T56_TL866II编程器使用说明.pdf available at update web page, or at the same location were you install /run the XGpro application.

Hope it Helps


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