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Hello             No updates from a certain date, now all focus is on T76. But you can dow ...
Albano.Matos 发表于 2025-1-3 23:38

Y cual seria una pagina de un proveedor alternativo?
And what would be an alternative provider's page?



Seria bueno que esta pagina sea mejor implementada con otros idiomas.

It would be nice if this page was better implemented with other languages.



There is concern that chips are read by a CH341A and not by an XGpro. Considering that their products are not cheap at all, it is a shame. They should already release more chips for the XGpro readers, otherwise their products will no longer be worth buying.


回复 103# love_edition
So the 57, 59, 60, 63. versions, have problems?


Why haven't they uploaded updates?
There should be a method of adding memories manually, so users will help them add more memories, and they will focus their efforts on improving the product, thus increasing fame and selling more devices.

Por que no han subido actualizaciones?debería existir un método de agregar manualmente memorias, así los usuarios los ayudan a agregar más memorias, y centran sus esfuerzo en mejorar el producto, así subiría la fama y venderían más dispositivos.


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