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Hi !

I tested about 30 cards and found five that are not detected by the programmer.
Like this :
"Failed  -- Status :00000000 00800120 ERROR CODE: 3"

But cards are good and working in cardreaders.
They are
SD Transcend TS4GSDHC4    4GB
SD Kingston SD-M02G    2GB
SD Sandisk Ultra 45MB/s  32GB

microSD Sandisk Ultra    32GB,  I have two pcs, both same error
TS4GSDHC4.webp.jpg Kingston SD-M02G.jpg Sandisk-SDSDX-032G-X46-1429562254.jpg Sandisk Ultra 32.jpg


Check it please. I'm not the only one having these problems.


Some more not working SD cards with such problem.All microSD now.
SanDisk 2gb
SanDisk 4gb SDHC 4 class
Kingston 1gb SD-C01G
Kingston 2gb SD-C02G

Kingston-SD-C01G.jpg Kingston-SD-C02G.jpg SanDisk 4gb SDHC 4 class.jpg SanDisk_2GB_MicroSD.JPG


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