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adesto at45db321e write problem

APP Version : 12.35   Model : TL866II Plus

     Device : AT45DB321E[Page528] @SOIC8


Must Connect a 100P Capacitor between Pin MISO and Gnd!!!

and  Connect a 2.2uf Capacitor between Pin VCC and Gnd!!!

All right, i go to the steps. Step by step.

APP Version : 12.35   Model : TL866II Plus

     Device : AT45DB321E[Page528] @SOIC8

Pins Detected Passed!

ID: 0x 1F 27 ......OK!

Erase  ...Succeeded. Time : 40.576 S

Programming FLASH ...Succeeded. Time : 52525ms

Verifying FLASH ...

ERROR!   FLASH Address:0x001EF0    Buf_Val:0xE6    IC_Val:0x06

Programming  ...Failed

why does the programmer not write the chip? if I use another programmer other than xgecue, everything is written and there are no errors.
Help me!!!

Hi Admin, of course I connected these capacitors, 100pF between SI and ground, 2.2uF between Vcc and ground. Nothing changed.


回复  Dmitry

MISO is SO . Not SI.
admin 发表于 2022-11-15 11:11

Forgive me for typing, of course, SO leg. Error has not changed


Hi, I bought T56 and there are no such problems with it, I also found a problem with the definition of pages, tl866 did not give the correct definition of pages


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