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T48 problems

I have problems with my new T48.

When I read a PIC16C57 I have error PIN 3 and 5 are not connected.
On my TL866II the PIC16C57 works without any problems.

When I do a logic test on a CD4021, the chip is not recognized by the T48.
When I do the logic test with CD4021 on my TL866II, it works without problems.

When I do the self check on the T48 everything is alright, result is normal.
When I read a GAL16V8 or M27C512 on the T48 everything works fine.

Can somebody help me please?

Thanks in advance,

1. PIC16C57:
I disabled [pin Detect]. Then [Read] the data of the chip with my TL866II and with my new T48.
Problem, the hex data read out is different between the TL866II and the T48. Which one is bad?

2. HEF4021BP:


Thanks for the 4021 solution! It's working fine.
No, the PIC16C57 is not protected.


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