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标题: I can't write M48Z128Y-85PM1 [打印本页]

作者: Alex03    时间: 2023-2-19 14:01     标题: I can't write M48Z128Y-85PM1

Программатор T48, Xgpro v12.50. Не могу написать M48Z128Y-85PM1.
Ошибка записи адреса 0x000000.

图片附件: 2023-02-19_083944.jpg (2023-2-19 14:03, 843.43 KB) / 下载次数 10704

作者: admin    时间: 2023-2-19 17:03

回复 1# Alex03

There is a battery inside the chip. If the battery is dead, it cannot be burned.

This battery is a common problem. Try a new chip
作者: Alex03    时间: 2023-2-19 19:19

回复 2# admin

Unfortunately, these chips are no longer available. It will be difficult to find a new chip.
But I will look.

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