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标题: XGecu T48(TL866-3G) 编程器(TL866II 换代产品) [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-12 15:38     标题: XGecu T48(TL866-3G) 编程器(TL866II 换代产品)

2022-8-3 08:32

2022-8-3 08:32

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2022-8-3 08:40

2022-8-3 08:40

图片附件: AD_T48_TSOP48A..jpg (2022-6-28 18:25, 367.83 KB) / 下载次数 87576

图片附件: 详情中文_01.jpg (2022-8-3 08:32, 545.75 KB) / 下载次数 56533

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作者: MENGXIANGKEJI    时间: 2022-6-12 17:32


作者: MENGXIANGKEJI    时间: 2022-6-12 17:52

电脑端的主控程序什么时候发布,有什么新的变革没有,用景天up 硕飞sp习惯了,猛一下还适应不了,看到在的主控程序 一会半会还适应不了,适应适应 只要机器性能优越 扩展性好 周边的附件 座子 座子转接板 与其他的品牌座子互通性强 教程多  必须大卖

作者: q519948746    时间: 2022-6-12 21:59

希望可以考虑下 T56适配BGA的5合1 座子
作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-13 08:03

以后EMMC 5合一座加一个转接板可以在T56上使用,有这个打算
作者: 海风依然    时间: 2022-6-13 11:36

作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-13 12:23

回复 6# 海风依然

T56编程器 EMMC ISP在线编程实测 - 编程器使用与软件下载 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz!
作者: q519948746    时间: 2022-6-13 14:51

请问做贵司产品的经销商 需要联系谁磋商。
作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-13 15:32

回复 8# q519948746 楼主和8楼一样的问题,在加一句设时间开售。要有QQ 微信群,进行在站外实时交流
官方也要有QQ 微信这些新型的实时沟通通道
作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-13 15:48

ADMIN注:40脚以下的座子都是通用的,48脚及以上由于本编程器锁紧座只有40PIN,需从16口ISP连接更多的引脚,所以需要专用的适配器】明白你的意思,要有转接板 方便兼容市面上的座子,只有更多的更多的互通性,才会让仪器发挥到极致,我是把dxp交给老师了,要是那些年:D
作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-13 15:56

请问做贵司产品的经销商 需要联系谁磋商。
作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-13 16:11

回复 11# 梦翔科技

要有转接板 方便兼容市面上的座子

NAND 等时钟敏感的高速芯片行不通,连接一多,产生信号反射。可靠性会极差,所以48脚以上支持座子不能通用。
低速芯片理论上是可行,但那样座子更多,没有必要,生产莫明其秒的错误,对不懂的用户是一种灾难!T56 锁紧座有48脚,是一对一直接连,所以48脚以下的座子都能通用。

代理请联系: 13198907988 王工
作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-13 16:23

回复 12# admin
简单一点吧就是 809h编程器的单排48脚的座子怎么用t48的40脚上
作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-13 16:29

回复 13# 梦翔科技

上面说的T48 EMMC转到T56 ,转接可以,是应为BGA座子后面有抗扰电路
作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-13 16:36

回复 14# admin  必须用专用40转48 56的单用座子吗?几个月前就是这个问题,犹豫了一下,差一点入手t866iiplus
作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-13 16:40

回复 14# admin
作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-13 17:01

回复 16# 梦翔科技

TSOP48必须用专用座, 40P+ISP->转TSOP48。

作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-13 17:55

奥明白了,公司有淘宝店铺吗?rt809h的emmc不带加密芯片的座子  其他形式的座子可以用到这上面吗?比如:IPS转SD接板  各种形式的BGA153 154 162 169 186 221 254等等
作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-14 08:06

回复 18# 梦翔科技

如果非用不可,有一个办法 ISP直接连接到座子引脚上,编程器自供电用 4b模式,应该能用,速度基本一样

2022-6-14 08:12

图片附件: T48ICP064.jpg (2022-6-14 08:12, 52.97 KB) / 下载次数 41387

作者: 张呵呵    时间: 2022-6-14 08:32

作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-14 08:42

回复 20# 张呵呵

作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-14 15:56

回复 19# admin

   是的,要完善周边的转接板,是大多数座子的转接板都可以买到转接板,要有自己的官方淘宝店铺挂这种附件方便购买:也要鼓励爱好者共同参与不断完善周边附件的开发 高手在民间
作者: my_t48    时间: 2022-6-14 16:24
T48高速超强USB编程器,王工历经多年最新力作~ 抢先购!


2022-6-14 16:27

图片附件: [T48] T48_4.jpg (2022-6-14 16:27, 35.47 KB) / 下载次数 17703

作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-14 20:34

坐等,主控 座子!
作者: Evcon    时间: 2022-6-20 06:59

Is it possible to program eMMC in ISP mode without using eMMC_ISP driver?
Does the eMMC_ISP driver have an encrypted chip to identify the driver?
Do you think it's a good idea not to use universal adapters for TSOP48/SOP44 in the T48?
作者: liuyunx    时间: 2022-6-20 09:31

2022-6-20 09:31

图片附件: 7QVHI8GOZ%~6EPZ%E}83ZEM.png (2022-6-20 09:31, 20.46 KB) / 下载次数 42040

作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-20 12:29

48 56脚座 EMMC座子子什么时候出货?
作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-20 14:23

回复 27# 梦翔科技

作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-20 14:46

回复 25# Evcon

Yes ,all EMMC adaper and EMMC ISP driver have have an encrypted chip to identify the driver.

Features and Benefits:
1. All adapters are strictly tested by the original factory, and the quality is more guaranteed.
2. The price is also cheap.
3. All different BGA adapters have the same shape, and the software can quickly identify them to prevent wrong using.
4.EMMC ISP driver needs to deal with signal interference and voltage conversion, it cannot be used directly without ISP driver
作者: Evcon    时间: 2022-6-20 19:35

回复 29# admin

How much will it cost EMMC ISP driver? $10, $20? When will it be on sale EMMC ISP driver?
作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-21 08:50

回复 30# Evcon

作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-21 11:11

多少钱 出一下工程图 我们发起预售
作者: bedz    时间: 2022-6-21 14:33

作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-21 16:37

回复 33# bedz

编程器软件有一个好用的EMMC【分析芯片】的功能, 说明书里面有完整介绍。

2022-6-21 16:37

图片附件: EMMC.png (2022-6-21 16:37, 48.22 KB) / 下载次数 42538

作者: 野猪    时间: 2022-6-23 12:45

48 56脚座 EMMC座子子什么时候出货?

作者: Albano.Matos    时间: 2022-6-23 14:42

野猪 发表于 2022-6-23 12:45

    As an User:.... A think Admin already answered that question, a little above...
Reply 27# Mengxiang Technology

at the end of June, the latest in early July, is already on the production line

...Then it is almost here for all. Hope price is 'good enough'  :-)

作者: mingwei123    时间: 2022-6-23 19:18

TSOP48的座子什么时候上啊,买了编程器 发现座子和以前的不通用。
作者: Evcon    时间: 2022-6-24 05:42

回复 37# mingwei123

   Haven't you understood T48 pricing policy yet?
作者: fkeguh    时间: 2022-6-25 10:29

回复 1# admin

   866plus nand座子可以用吗
作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-25 13:03

回复 39# fkeguh

作者: Albano.Matos    时间: 2022-6-25 17:09

回复  admin

   866plus nand座子可以用吗
fkeguh 发表于 2022-6-25 10:29

   As an user.... For all that have questions about adapters for T48, they can, at least, see what they look like when they arrive to market. In the folder 'IMG', inside the Xgpro folder they are all (supported) there. Most, they use what's already is in the T56 for above 48pin, but in the case of T48 is for above 40, then most T56 or TL866II 'only' ( cannot be used easily, or cannot be used at all), or start the Xgpro program, without programmer, select T48, select a chip (or the socket), then click 'device.Info' . Take a look , the pictures are already there, then no more 'secrets' about ( hopefully ) and many are high quality ( thanks Admin it looks nicer now) :-)
作者: AJLL    时间: 2022-6-26 21:16

刚买的TL866II PLUS是否有换购T48的计划呢?
作者: admin    时间: 2022-6-27 07:06

回复 42# AJLL

作者: bedz    时间: 2022-6-28 09:05

T48 的16P多功能口 用于EMMC ISP编程时需要专用的转接板吗?
作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-28 09:15

回复 44# bedz

作者: 梦翔科技    时间: 2022-6-28 14:21

回复 44# bedz


2022-6-28 14:20

图片附件: [sop48] QQ图片20220628142010.jpg (2022-6-28 14:20, 293.93 KB) / 下载次数 43576

作者: Bzzz    时间: 2022-7-18 05:06

I have received a T48 unit this week and tested it earlier today. Firmware update works fine, some generic EEPROMs do as well. Very pleased so far.
I'm interested in reading a Xilinx XCF chip (XCF02S to be precise), data sheet is here:
What would be the process to get support of this part in the next revision of the software? Is there something I can help you with?
作者: Albano.Matos    时间: 2022-7-18 12:46

I have received a T48 unit this week and tested it earlier today. Firmware update works fine, s ...
Bzzz 发表于 2022-7-18 05:06

    As an user:   A more adequate place to request ADD new IC support is here:T56/TL866II Plus新增芯片支持 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz!

Hopefully Admin will update in title, to add T48 as a new device, then you can follow,
easily, your own request.

Just trying to help  :-)
作者: papi    时间: 2022-7-20 06:15

Hi, could you please tell me where I can download the T48 software and is it also compatible with Windows XP like the TL866II Plus software ?Also, is there anything the TL866II Plus can do that the T48 can not do ?
And is the T48 IC Support List at least identical to the TL866II Plus IC Support List ?
作者: Albano.Matos    时间: 2022-7-20 11:48

Hi, could you please tell me where I can download the T48 software and is it also compatible with Wi ...
papi 发表于 2022-7-20 06:15

   As a User:  The software For TL866II, T48 and T56 , as i know is the same from version 12.01 when T48 support added and can be downloaded hereDownload Newest XGecu T56/T48/TL866II software(下载最新软件) - 编程器使用与软件下载 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz!     
Then if you have the latest version ( 12.05 ) and it works in XP for TL866II, is almost sure that it will work for T48
(hopefully). In the same page you have the support list for all supported programmers. Also, as i know, the T56 will support all the
devices that T48, and T48 will support all devices from TL866II, but, when a 'gap' is found, reporting here in the correct section,
Admin is doing a very nice job recovering bugs, adding new devices, and answer you, me and all other users, time permits.Also remember, that some adapters from TL866II, may not be used in T48 or T56. always check the appropriate adapter needed in
the software --> tab near the bottom of programmer software window.  You may also take a look here adapters for T48 - Shop Cheap adapters for T48 from China adapters for T48 Suppliers at XGECU Official Store on  
many other places exist, and see all already available adapters for T48. Universal adapters can be used, but care should be taken, as TL866II and T48 have socket with 40 pins. Always check first in the software, before use the adapter needed, to
have parts in time and manage your own expectations from the products. The software XGpro also permit to start it in demo mode (without any programmer connected), a window shows up, you can choose among TL866II, T48 or even T56, that is you can look for supported devices, and what adapter needed. If you have a supported programmer connected, it will
change to that programmer working mode automatically and you don't see the demo choice screen.You can look here for some differences among programmers XGecu T48(TL866-3G) programmer coming soon (TL866 3rd generation) - 编程器使用与软件下载 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz!    and do a better choice if needed.At last, support for TL866II, as Admin already told, will remain for approx. more 3 years' time in XGpro app.  New needs
from market will force to upgrade the hardware, that's why T48 appear, and some others will do in the future, hopefully.

Hope it helps you
作者: netcoder    时间: 2022-7-30 08:03

Just got my T48 :victory: could you please add a support of AM27C400@DIP40 for T48 since we have it for T56. Thanks!
作者: Requan    时间: 2022-10-28 21:25

Dears,I bought original T48, use the newest software and firmware, but it not working at all, video shown below, that it aren't able to write simple memory (24C32W):

I try to read and write the same memory with the same socket on my cheap programmer EPZ2019+ and it working without any problem.
Could You help me ?

图片附件: [self test failed] selftestFailed.png (2022-10-29 02:11, 29.11 KB) / 下载次数 23696

作者: admin    时间: 2022-10-29 09:13

回复 52# Requan
Sorry .it was broken.
open the box . Test the voltage as picture.

2022-10-29 09:08

it 's normal about 3.25-3.35(3.3V), otherwise , Please replace the LDO  AMS1117-adj (Package:SOT89) .

Note:The LDO was found to have quality problems in the first batch of products(Production date is before July 2022).Very few T48 programming'LDO possible has problem.

图片附件: 33.png (2022-10-29 09:08, 1003.44 KB) / 下载次数 30333

作者: Requan    时间: 2022-10-30 03:18

Thank You for quick response and proffessional support.Yes, voltage is 1.8V instead 3.3V.
I will order LDO.

图片附件: 20221029_200901.jpg (2022-10-30 03:18, 547.25 KB) / 下载次数 26074

作者: Shahram-K    时间: 2023-6-9 12:49

Please someone kindly help me:
I ordered a T48 [TL866-3G] from a seller via Ali-Express, But what I finally received, Had been Labeled as TL866 II PLUS and the device has a complete different body shape, Body Color, Logo & marking layout, and Connector .
EPROM 3.jpg
2023-6-9 12:47

Please kindly tell me if I received the correct "3rd Generation" or they have sent me a wrong item.

Thank you so much, with kind Regards

图片附件: EPROM 3.jpg (2023-6-9 12:47, 991.63 KB) / 下载次数 25551

作者: q519948746    时间: 2023-6-9 14:12

回复 55# Shahram-K

   The picture on the right is not T48
作者: q519948746    时间: 2023-6-9 14:13

Welcome friends from abroad to join QQ groups : 191883540
作者: zhengjun8866    时间: 2023-6-9 14:41

作者: Shahram-K    时间: 2023-6-9 14:46     标题: RE: Reply to 56#

Thank you so much
作者: Shahram-K    时间: 2023-6-9 14:48

回复 56# q519948746

   Thank you so much
作者: Anderson@Matos    时间: 2023-6-19 11:03

Ola td bem? como baixo o programa ?
作者: Albano.Matos    时间: 2023-6-19 11:46

Ola td bem? como baixo o programa ?
Anderson@Matos 发表于 2023-6-19 11:03

作者: Anderson@Matos    时间: 2023-6-20 03:37

Responder 62# Albano.Matos

   me ajuda a fazer o dowload do sistema? nao estou conseguindo. Obrigado.
作者: Anderson@Matos    时间: 2023-6-20 03:57

Responder 62# Albano.Matos

oi Albano, o que baixou foi um monte de letras, numeros......
作者: Albano.Matos    时间: 2023-6-20 12:47

Responder  Albano.Matos

oi Albano, o que baixou foi um monte de letras, numeros......
Anderson@Matos 发表于 2023-6-20 03:57

   Olá,         Tens de ter o programa Winrar WinRAR archiver, a powerful tool to process RAR and ZIP files (
ultima versão instalado na maquina, para depois poderes extrair o ficheiro que esta dentro, e que vai fazer a
Caso ja tenhas uma versão antiga desse programa (aplicativo) deves instalar a nova versão na mesma.
Se mesmo assim não conseguires , tenta baixar do link à frente pois subi para ti  

Se mesmo assim não conseguires, e o ficheiro  XgproV1257_Setup.rar ja estiver na tua maquina , clica com o botão direito do rato
nele, e escolhe 'abrir com' e tem a certeza que escolhes o Winrar. Se mesmo assim não der, pede a alguém, noutra maquina,
que faça isso para ti , te extraia o ficheiro dentro , e transfere depois numa pen via USB, para a tua maquina.
作者: shn    时间: 2024-1-9 15:58

请问下, 3g和 IIplus   哪个更优秀。该选哪个呢
作者: aiai239377    时间: 2024-3-18 13:33

请问TL866-3G能否添加支持Microchip 24LC515 ?


作者: 常森林cs    时间: 2024-7-3 07:41


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