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T56/T48支持芯片列表: | T56 Support List T48 Support List |
Total:37756 Total:34996 |
T866II Plus支持芯片列表: | TL866II Support List | Total:18916 |
SST39VFxxx TSOP48 引脚接触检查
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TL866II Plus 新版编程器
https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5-c.w4002-24082277027.47.68545d9bel6Ap2&id=677267779816 王工历经多年最新力作,T48高性能USB编程器终于出炉了, 优先抢购! |
版本: V12.35 2022.10.31
T56编程器 :
Support: 34791+758
T48编程器 :
Support: 32086+748
TL8 ...
admin 发表于 2022-10-31 13:43
回复 Albano.Matos
ADP:TSOP32 one by one
TSOP48 to DIP48 Adapter can be used.(16PIns unused)
admin 发表于 2022-11-2 14:25
Reply admin
I have a serious problem with "Winbond 25Q128JVSQ 1849"My xGecu TL866II v12.60 g ...
BobbyBadBoy 发表于 2023-8-27 08:59
hello, please add mx25l12872f and similar. |
For a long time I have been observing the same bug in different versions of the program, which manifests itself if the program window is expanded to full screen. The bug is that from the part of the window called "IC Config Information" the ability to configure the "SPI Clock Frequency" disappears.
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