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shangjin 发表于 2023-3-4 12:35

   Hello shangjin,   As a user...     Even if the programmer had 100000 ICs supported, another 100000 will,for sure, be missing for some of us. Anyway you can request support for Admin, to add support for needed
IC, and Admin usually do it quite fast, time permits, if it was possible.
Every time you need an usuported ( Yet) IC, request it at

T56/TL866II Plus新增芯片支持 - XGecu Programmer Forums - Powered by Discuz!
and try to add the data sheet path to ease the job for Admin. Most of times, need developers to buy the chip
to test, as errors may happen, and this can take some time. Some old ICS are hard to find, and Admin may
request to send samples, etc....it's not an easy job, and it will never complete.
In this case, i feel, the datasheet is here https://www.stcmicro.com/datasheet/STC89C51RC-en.pdf

Best Regards  :)


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