If I want to program an atmel atf22v10c, or gal22v10 or any atmel or lattice GAL type chip that is i ...
oggie 发表于 2022-11-17 07:19 
As a user: hello. as i know, you need, on any XGECU programmer, TL866II, T48, or T56, having a plcc28 unit to be programmed, a converter from plcc28 to DIP24 (select DIP24, or first choice if IC only use 24 pins, see datasheet).
Some pins are not used on those chips, then in those units, even Atf22v10C, have all extra 4 pins connected , but at ground, to improve performance, then no need to connect four pins at programing time.
Maybe ADMIN will add, no need for you if you have PLCC28 to DIP24, select DIP24 (in this ICs), or maybe ok for most
28 pin plcc IC, select dip 24 version and go (see first on datasheet, please see on device .info tab from xgpro software), an option to TL866II, T48 and T56, to add ZIF adapters (pin to pin) to selection, as they are easy to use daily (my opinion). Same care should be taken for other PLCCxx ICs with more pins. Rgds |