For replace my pal16r6 i will use the atf16v8c wihc one the T56 is ever able to programming.
The atf16v8c have a register to emulate the 16r series..
from datasheet :
ATF16V8C Registered Mode PAL device emulation/PAL replacement. The registered mode is used if one or more registers are required. Each macrocell can be configured as either a registered or combinatorial output or I/O, or as an input. For a registered output or I/O, the output is enabled by the OE pin, and the register is clocked by the CLK pin. Eight product terms are allocated to the sum term. For a combinatorial output or I/O, the output enable is controlled by a product term, and seven product terms are allocated to the sum term. When the macrocell is configured as an input, the output enable is permanently disabled.Any register usage will make the compiler select this mode. The following registered devices can be emulated using this mode:16R816RP816R616RP6 16R416RP4
So i think the readind of pal16R6 must be very close to the atf16v8c ?
Perhaps this can help you ?
Have a nice days. |