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yovish 发表于 2021-12-25 03:02

New Logic Test - 74188 Vector Table

Enclosed is the new layout to be added to the logic tests.
The test was performed on the K155RE3 [i](256-bit, 32x8bit words PROM, open-collector outputs, analogue [/i][b][i]SN74188N[/i][/b][i])[/i] chip from IC/Microchip USSR [i](now Russia)[/i].

This IC is a PROM [i](Programmable Read Only Memory)[/i], so general testing only makes sense for a blank/clean, non-programmed chip. Because after programming, each chip can have different contents.

In the unprogrammed state, a low voltage is generated at all outputs of the 74188 microchip [i](74S188)[/i].

Victor87 发表于 2022-11-7 02:46

Testing for a blank/clean PROM К556РТ4 ([url=https://radio-hobby.org/modules/analog/82s126]82S126[/url]) (256x4) bits

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